Collaborative Practice is an option that allows divorcing couples to resolve disputes respectfully and equitably without going to court. The goal is to help the couple focus on their most important goals, especially children, throughout the divorce process. The result is a more efficient, targeted, and productive way to resolve disputes.
Collaborative Practice differs from other methods of divorce; it promotes respect and keeps spouses, not judges, in control of the process. Because the divorcing couple agrees not to go to court, the collaborative divorce is more open and less adversarial than a litigated one, and is better able to address the couple’s unique needs (as opposed to litigation which is driven by the general rule of law meant to apply to all).
Collaborative Practice is for couples going through a divorce who want a civilized, respectful resolution of the issues and are willing to focus on solutions rather than on blame or revenge. It is for couples who want to maintain a productive working relationship with their (ex)spouses. It is for couples who want to keep their children’s interests at the forefront (i.e. protecting their children from the negative impact associated with bitter litigation) and who wish to be co-parents after the divorce. It is for couples who want to control the decision-making process (especially when those decisions concern child-rearing and/or financial arrangements) rather than turning the process over to a stranger (judge). It is for couples who place as much or more value on the relationship that will exist in the restructured post-divorce family as on obtaining maximum resources. It is for couples who value privacy.
For a complimentary initial consultation, call 507-206-4976
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